The Flower Podcast Party

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The absolute greatest gift of my work in flowers has been finding this incredible flower community! These precious people have welcomed me in, helped me grow, and shared from their own experiences. One of the most special people in this group is Scott Shepherd. Scott is a wholesale floral buyer with an encyclopedic knowledge of flowers, and the most caring soul. He is also the heart behind The Flower Podcast, an amazing podcast that opens the doors to a whole host of creative individuals. It’s a fascinating and inspiring listen, so I hope you’ll check it out!

To celebrate the launch of The Flower Podcast, we held a small potluck dinner in my backyard last summer. Mary Wynn of Amy Osaba Designs co-hosted and we were joined by friends from AO, Samara Floral, and Scott’s family. Sarah Ingram’s dreamy photos give you a glimpse into that beautiful night, but I truly hope you’ll take a moment to read Scott’s words about the evening. I teared up (true story) as I read his thoughts on community and the importance of taking time to celebrate together. It’s everything I want my company to provide, and everything I treasure about people I’m lucky enough to work with!

Here are a few photos of our evening, if you’d like to see. For more, please visit Scott’s post!