Performing in the Vagina Monologues


I’m so excited to tell you that I am performing in a one-night-only show of the Vagina Monologues! Ten of my dear friends and I have been working together for several months to bring you this truly special show. We are performing August 10 at Pearce Auditorium in Gainesville, GA, and ALL of the profits will be donated to area charities that directly benefit women and girls in our community.

To quote my friend and castmate Stacey Dickson, the Vagina Monologues is “a collection of stories, from women, about women. It’s a quilt of experiences that is providing shelter for those in the most need. Nearly $100 million has been raised worldwide to help women who are survivors of sexual assault and abuse.”

If you’re around the Atlanta area next Saturday, please make plans to come. If you aren’t here, but would like to support these efforts, please consider buying a ticket or making a donation anyway. This conversation is too important to ignore.

I am so looking forward to seeing you there!

To purchase tickets or read more about our production, please visit

Photo Credit: Dave Simpson Custom Photography 

Missing from Photo: Ann Nixon